Who says happly ever after isn't going to be fun?

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Master Cleanse

So... It has come to my attention that our little family needs to change some of it's eating habits. I have noticed we spend a lot of money on foods that are terrible for us and don't fill us very well. Amazingly there is an addiction to bad foods... surprise surprise right? I figure the best way to kick a habit is cold turkey and then you have to flush the poison out of your body.

The answer to all of this mischief is to do a cleanse. With quite a bit of study and reading, not to mention the advice of an old friend I have decided that 'The Master Cleanse' might be the best solution. We wont be doing it for long, 2 weeks or 14 days. What ever sounds shortest for Jeff. He doesn't seem as excited about it as I am but he is really supportive.

If it works we might even get Jeff's dad to do it too. He is trying to eat healthier as well. Wish us the best of luck and we will let you know about the progress.

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