Who says happly ever after isn't going to be fun?

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Master Cleanse Day 1

After talking to Jeff we decided to do a 10 day cleanse. Today is day 1.... and it has been hard. Its been hard not to cook food and its been really hard to watch TV. Everything you watch has food in it. I am not 100% sure how I am going to do this tomorrow at work but I am going to do it. Next Thursday is our last day then we will go back to real food.

If I lose 10lbs I will be happy but I will be even happier if this cleanse helps Jeff to not eat everything he sees. He doesn't like the lemonaid but I think it was because of the syrup in the lemonaide. So we took one table spoon out so that it wouldn't be so sweet and he seems to like that better.

Another hard thing for me is the bowl movements.... for me it is painful but I think I have been sick for awhile. Every time I eat it hurts and then I am in pain for the rest of the night. Well my movements feel something like that. I knew it would but I am hoping that after a few days it will go away. That maybe pushing some of the food that is clogging me up out of my body that I wont be in pain anymore. Jeff on the other hand assures me that his poops have been just wonderful :)

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