Who says happly ever after isn't going to be fun?

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Pregnancy Pet Peeves

Ok... now that I have experienced pregnancy there are a few things that I have discovered that are super annoying!

  • at 8+ months pregnant people asking if you are pregnant or just hiding a basketball under your shirt (ok really?! yes I am hiding a ball under my shirt because I am socially retarded like that)
  • the question "are you ready to pop?" What am I? A balloon???
  • After choosing a name for our baby everyone started introducing me to new people by introducing them to my belly. (While there is a baby in there I am still here too!!!)
  • My baby is not a dog, a toy or a new hobby. Please let my baby be a baby! 
  • No I am not eating for two. I eat for me and the baby benefits (that's why I have to take those horse pills). Quit trying to feed me like I am a garbage disposal. 
  • Random strangers... please do not touch me without my permission... or just don't touch me! I have no idea who you are and I don't know what strange disease you are carrying. (not to be rude but I am a little paranoid seeing as I am pregnant) 

I think those are the biggest things. I only have two weeks left and if one more person asks me if I am pregnant I am going to tell them I am growing a tumor. I will tell them its okay tho, I am getting it removed soon lol :) 

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