Who says happly ever after isn't going to be fun?

Thursday, April 26, 2012

First Loan as a Married Couple

Jeff and I have made our 1st large purchase as a married couple. We bought a 2010 Ford Fusion for $13,300! We are super excited for a few reasons but number one we traded in a 1996 Buick Century that was falling apart. Now we have a reliable car for the two of us and our little bundle of joy who is slowly but surely on her way. Isn't it sexy?! Now both our cars are red lol

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Pregnancy Pet Peeves

Ok... now that I have experienced pregnancy there are a few things that I have discovered that are super annoying!

  • at 8+ months pregnant people asking if you are pregnant or just hiding a basketball under your shirt (ok really?! yes I am hiding a ball under my shirt because I am socially retarded like that)
  • the question "are you ready to pop?" What am I? A balloon???
  • After choosing a name for our baby everyone started introducing me to new people by introducing them to my belly. (While there is a baby in there I am still here too!!!)
  • My baby is not a dog, a toy or a new hobby. Please let my baby be a baby! 
  • No I am not eating for two. I eat for me and the baby benefits (that's why I have to take those horse pills). Quit trying to feed me like I am a garbage disposal. 
  • Random strangers... please do not touch me without my permission... or just don't touch me! I have no idea who you are and I don't know what strange disease you are carrying. (not to be rude but I am a little paranoid seeing as I am pregnant) 

I think those are the biggest things. I only have two weeks left and if one more person asks me if I am pregnant I am going to tell them I am growing a tumor. I will tell them its okay tho, I am getting it removed soon lol :) 

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Dinner Tonight

Well... about 3 weeks till the baby comes and I quit my job. Now its time to try things I like doing, like making dinner :)

Tonight I want to make:
Chicken Pot Pie Cup Cakes
Chicken Pot Pie Cupcakes
Creamy Potato Onion Soup

Chocolate Chip Lava Cookies for dessert!
Chocolate Chip Lava Cookies