Who says happly ever after isn't going to be fun?

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

Jeff and I spent Easter with his sister and brother-in-law. We had planned to go to Logandale to visit my family but after checking our finances we decided that if we wanted to go to Steven's (my cousin who is on his mission) homecoming we could go down for Easter. Easter will come again next year but being able to support Steven as he comes home is a once in a life time opportunity :)

We gave up the P90X for a while but I am going to try to do it again. I quit my old job last Thursday after being told yet again that I was only good for cleaning. My new job starts Tuesday after next giving me a week off! woot woot! So with any luck I can get into a work out routine before I go back to work and will be able to stick to it. Keep your fingers crossed for me!!!

Love ya all! xoxo

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