Who says happly ever after isn't going to be fun?

Friday, March 18, 2011

Traveling to Elko

So no trip is complete without a good story.

We didn't even get out of Salt Lake and we got a call from Jeff's parents about bringing home their computer from Steven and Lolly's (Jeff's sister and brother-in-law) house because Steven had been working on it. 2 and a half hours later and much driving around and we finally made it out of town.

We finally made it to Wendover and took a pit stop. We got some hot dogs and were on our way. Just before we get to the freeway Jeff decides he wants to put all of our trash into a water bottle. He got mustard all over his hands in the process. It was the funniest thing to watch as he went from little mess to having mustard all over his hands. Then he wanted me to lick it off his fingers!!! Needless to say I refused :)

Once we were going again I started to read our book. Every time we go on a long drive I read to Jeff so he can get through all the books he wants to read. This trip we finished Breaking Dawn. Jeff thought it was super girly and slightly ridiculous because there wasn't a big fight. I of course thought it was really good and nearly cried a few times lol it was good :)

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