Who says happly ever after isn't going to be fun?

Wednesday, June 26, 2013


SO... I am trying to get into couponing. Its pretty much all I can think about right now. Jeff is starting an internship soon and his pay is going to get cut. If there is one thing I have learned about relationships it's that there is always one spender and one budget minded person. I am the one who sets and keeps budgets, Jeff sees money and spends it just as quickly. If I can feed us with coupons and maybe get a part time virtual assistant job I think we might survive this internship.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Baby Fever

Well... as if one baby wasn't challenging our small family is expanding. We are pretty excited but it makes me wish we had our own space and a bigger car. Both will come in time I am sure. Keep us in your prayers. We are hoping for a boy this time because we already have a beautiful little girl, plus we know from our parent's experience that girls this close in age don't get along very well.

Love you all!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Huge Progress

Finally! Jenelle is sleeping through the night. She is on a schedule and I am finally able to work out! I just finished my 1st week of Insanity. It was super hard & my legs feel like jello but it will be worth it.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Bath Time

Jenelle pretty much loves baths. Just wanted to share some fun bath time photos

Thursday, July 5, 2012

4th of July

Jenelle's first fourth has been pretty fun :) Jeff and I went to the parade with Grandpa Glen. It was a super long parade with lots of fun floats! Then we had lunch with the family, hotdogs, WaterMellon, chips, 6 layer bean dip, corn on the cob and salad. Then Jenelle got to do another first, swimming! She wasn't sure about the free feeling of the water and it was a little cool for her but she did kick around for a little bit. Then we went to the Amazing Spiderman. It was pretty good but I wouldn't pay to see the 3D version. After that we met up to eat again and finally fireworks. Jenelle did not like the big booms but as long as her ears were plugged she didn't mind at all. It was s really great 1st 4th of July it only she would be able to remember it! Lol

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Lagoon June 2012

Jeff and I got to go to Lagoon this summer with Kandace and Chris! They have been stationed in Hawaii and got a month to come to the main land to see the family. Jeff and I got discount tickets from Deseret Book Store and made our way to the theme park. OK so I have a huge issue with roller coasters. When I was younger I got really sick on a few rides and have been hesitant to go on them ever since. Needless to say Jeff is the total opposite and loves rides! He made me break out of my shell a little and try some new rides. I went on the white roller coaster, the spider, the rocket (blast off of course!), the mouse, snake river, bumper cars, and the sky ride. Jeff went on the colossus, the air races, and the wicked rides without me :) Lucky for him my cousins and aunt and uncle all like rides much more than I do so they went on those rides with him.

Jenelle Kai

Jeff and I were so lucky to welcome Jenelle Kai into the world at 8:15pm on May 4th,2012. She was 6lbs 5oz with dark brown curly hair. Poor thing will always be a Star Wars day as the 4th of May in now national Star Wars day.

So if you haven't noticed her name is not spelled in the traditional way. That is because Jeff and I combined our names to make her's. It's not so different that she will be made fun of but different enough to be unique. Kai is a Finish name that Jeff really liked.

Over all the whole process wasn't too bad. I went into labor at 3 in the morning and didn't really believe I was in labor until 6am which is when I called my sister-in-law to drive me to the hospital. Jeff was working in Elko so we called him when I got to the hospital. When we got there I had to wait an hour to make sure I was actually in labor. Once it was agreed upon by everyone that I was in labor I was moved into an amazing delivery room!
 I waited until about 10:30 to get an epidural. Jeff showed up around 1pm just in time! I was at a 5mm when that happened but the epidural slowed down labor for me so at about 2pm they gave me some medication to speed things up. Then at 8pm the doctor told me it was time to push. 15min later Jenelle was born!

We had some fun moments together in the hospital but Jenelle got Jaundice so she had to spend some time alone. Jeff didn't want her to feel too lonely so he sent a monkey with her during her treatments. Now she is almost 2 months old and doing great! If only she would sleep through the night!