Who says happly ever after isn't going to be fun?

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Eventful Life

Well... it has been an interesting week. Jeff went to Elko to do some job hunting. Needless to say his job at discount tire didn't pan out the way we had expected it would. While he was there he went to an open house for the electrical program at GBC. He decided that he really likes the program and is going to do it. If we are lucky he will get the scholarship so he has a job while he is in school and we don't have to pay as much for his education.

Meanwhile I was a total wreck without him. I was all sorts of emotional and missed him terribly. Also I found out this week that my boss is going to a new job and I yet again am worried that once he leaves my position will be in grave danger (not to be dramatic or anything). I got my books for school and realized I already own one of them so I was able to send it back.

OH here is a good one for you, while Jeff is unemployed he has decided to try to get back into shape. He is going to try to do the Lemon Cleanse again then he plans to do HCG. He should lose around 75-80lbs to get back to his ideal weight so we will see how that goes.... I don't think the Lemon Cleanse will be a success with him but I do think he will be able to do the HCG. Mostly because its easier to see the results. I am hoping he makes it through the Lemon Cleanse because he has been pretty stinky lately and I think his body needs it.

So yep... that's whats going on with us. Fun right?!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Baby Jordan

Its been an interesting year. Who would have thought that in less than a year Jeff and I would have a little one on the way. Not us! That is for sure, we weren't thinking about having a baby for another year or two. Needless to say Heavenly Father had other plans for us.

Here is a 3D image of little Jordan. We are expecting a little girl to join our family sometime around the 1st week of May.