Who says happly ever after isn't going to be fun?

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Sunday walks

There is a parkway that follows the river near our house so we thought we would take a Sunday afternoon walk and we found some ducks! Jeff wanted to take them home lol

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Favorite Pics from the Bridals with Tara :)

The best part of weddings are the pictures and these were some of our favorite bridal pictures

Who could pass up that sign???

farm house front steps

where are the horses?

Silly me... there aren't any horses

putting boots on (just stating the obvious)

pretty eyes

come on dress!

yes i just winked at you :D

I am the cowgirl version of Belle!

yes i am cute!

working boots

3 week and a honeymoon later

Jeff and I are finally home from our trip to Vegas. We had a great week and got just enough sun to get a little pink around the edges but no sun burns :) We saw three shows while we were there; the Lion King, Chriss Angel, and a Cirque de Soleil show. The Lion King was a total let down, simba was going through puberty and couldn't hit is notes and the dancing had no energy at all. Chriss Angel was also really lame because he didn't do any magic tricks (surprise surprise) but the acrobats of Cirque de Soleil were amazing!!! They made up for all of the other shows.

Jeff somehow got me to go on a ride at the new york, new york. It wasn't terrible but not my fave :) With any luck we are going to get season passes to Lagoon to fill Jeff's need for rides. We also went to some of our favorite places to eat, mostly we were excited for Buffalo Wild Wings who happen to have the best Parmesan Garlic wings.  So good we even bought some of the sause so we could make it while we were in Utah. There isn't a BBW here..... :'(