Who says happly ever after isn't going to be fun?

Monday, June 20, 2011

Bridals 2

MY BRIDALS ARE DONE AND THEY ARE AMAZING!!! go to http://winsorphotography.smugmug.com/2011/Bridals

then click on me :) they are amazing! lol

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Flowers & Wedding Presents

Who would have thought that finding a florist for one bouquet would be so hard? I spent a hour and a half driving around looking for a florist today and all I could find were green houses lol You would think I would have more success in a town this large!Oh well! I guess there is always tomorrow.

The best part about getting married, aside from the whole handsome husband thing is getting fun presents in the mail! So far we have gotten a cookie sheet, salt and pepper grinders and gift cards. Jeff wasn't sure how he felt about having a wedding reception until the presents started to arrive. Then he was totally ok with it :)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


So.... we went and did bridals today :) It was way fun and Tara was awesome! We went to Wheeler Historic Farm and I got to wear my cowboy boots :) The second best part was that Tara's husband, Sam, is a distant cousin on the Winsor side of the family! It is a small world after all :D If you want to see a sneak peek of our shoot go to winsorphotography.com/blog 

xoxo love you all

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Less than two weeks :)

So its Sunday the 12th of June and we have less than two weeks till we are officially Mr and Mrs Jeff Elmore :) I went through the Bountiful temple this weekend and received my endowments and all the invitations are out! Now its just the flowers, decorating, and pictures.